Saturday 15 March 2014

PRISM and Pakistan 12 June 2013 at 12:16 PRISM is a government codename for a data collection effort known officially as US-984XN. There are two NSA monitoring programs reported on. One collects metadata on phone calls in the US, and the other one, PRISM, gives access to email and other data at companies like Google. The PRISM program allows government agents direct, real-time access to the servers of nine major tech companies, including AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, PalTalk, Skype, Yahoo! and YouTube. PRISM is a "streamlined way" to give the NSA the ability to handle and process the response "in an automated fashion," it allows an analyst to look at, collate, monitor, and cross-check different data types provided to the NSA from Internet companies. The NSA data-mining tool is called Boundless Informant, which organizes and maps records of communications collected from computer and phone networks. A heat map obtained by the Guardian newspaper breaks down the data collection by country: In this period, more than 2 billion reports came from the U.S. -- a sizable number, but paling in comparison to Iran and Pakistan, with 14 billion and 13.5 billion reports, respectively. PRISM does not target US citizens, who are protected by the constitution from unreasonable searches. PRISM collects data of "non-US persons", particularly those in Iran and Pakistan. These programs have congressional and judicial oversight. The NSA could ask Facebook for access to all Facebook accounts opened up in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Maybe there are 50 of them , all will be under surveillance . In this way , internet activity of anyone in Pakistan isn't private anymore , from politicians to army officers , absolutely anyone This is something Pakistan government hasn't authorised any government or company to do, in these circumstances it is advisable to stop putting correct information online . The line drawn between US citizens communications and foreign nationals communications is very worrying too, US citizens have the right to privacy but the rest of the world doesn't? If the privacy laws of individual countries aren't being respected then doesn't that count as an act of war? Whereas PRISM is involved in the collection of data, another took Boundless Informant focuses on organizing and indexing metadata. The tool categorizes communications records rather than the content of a message itself, such as a text message or phone call. Boundless Informant does not reveal the content of emails or phone calls, but its data can encompass location and Internet Protocol address information, according to the Guardian. According to Times sources, both Google and Facebook have discussed setting up separate portals where the companies deposit data when they receive requests from the U.S. government. Companies implement these orders "just as though they would implement a wiretap — there's no direct access to servers," CNET's source said. And these orders, the source explains, are not dragnet orders: "You can't say everyone in Pakistan who searched for 'X'... It still has to be particularized." A secret court order was passed instructing Verizon to hand over the phone records of millions of American customers on an "ongoing, daily basis." A class-action lawsuit against Verizon says the defendants violated customers' "reasonable expectation of privacy, free speech and association, right to be free of unreasonable searches and seizures and due process rights." The majority of people in developed countries spend at least some time on the Internet and that necessity is being abused to extend government powers beyond what is necessary .It is simply a contravention of human rights. The US government has granted itself power it is not entitled to , Internet freedom and basic liberties of the people are being compromised. There is a huge possibility such information would be misused , there is hardly any positive aspect. If anybody wanted to see your e-mails or your phone, all they have to do is use intercepts and get your e-mails, passwords, phone records, credit cards. Any analyst at any time can target anyone and nobody , not even a President or army chief is safe . Resources : F11%2Fnine-companies-tied-to-prism-obama-will-be-smacked-with-class-action-lawsuit-wednesday&h=bAQHM-iwA&s=1 3RALGwPIi4Tag&usg=AFQjCNHKOUg3-KehwMC7iDV-qKqwzCTXsQ About Create Advert Create Page Developers Careers Privacy Cookies Terms Help Facebook © 2014 · English (UK) Edit Comment Share 5 Shares Like Farrukh Abdullah, Wälí Khan, ML King and 4 others like this. Usman Latif Khawaja but of course we already knew about them -its not a surprise 13 June 2013 at 22:41 · Unlike · 1 Sabena Siddiqi True , but we did not know exactly what they knew or how .. 13 June 2013 at 22:44 · Like · 1 Usman Latif Khawaja they say facebook was the cheapest spy tool they built .lol 13 June 2013 at 22:45 · Unlike · 1 Usman Latif Khawaja i was told mush sold aafia for half a million but bush was a rich prez .lol 13 June 2013 at 23:15 · Edited · Like Sabena Siddiqi 19 June 2013 at 20:46 · Like · 3 ML King no privacy means no freedom of any kind .

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